The prime objectives of National Service Scheme (NSS)is to give an extensive dimension to the higher education system and orient the student youth to community services while they are studying in educational institution. The reason behind the objective is the general realization that the college and student have a tendency to get alienated themselves from the villages/slum masses which constitute the majority of the population of the country.
The NSS unit of Jonai Girls' College was established in the year 2012.Dr. Padmeswar Doley is the founder & present programe officer of this unit. Under his dynamic leadership the year 2022 the college unit has been awarded as the "BEST NSS PROMISING UNIT" by Dibrugarh University". As well as the programe officer has been adjudged and awarded the "Best Program Officer" award for session 2021-22 by the affiliating Dibrugarh University.
The Motto
The motto of the National Service Scheme is, : "NOT ME BUT YOU".
1. Understand the community in which they work.
2. Understand themselves in relation to their community.
3. Identify the needs and problem of the community and involve them in problem solving process.
4. Gain skill in mobilizing community participation.